In the rapidly evolving world of industrial monitoring systems and IoT solutions, understanding the terminology is key to navigating and selecting the right technologies. Whether you're dealing with pressure sensors, calibration processes, or communication protocols like Modbus and NB-IoT, having a clear grasp of the terms is essential for making informed decisions. This glossary serves as a comprehensive guide to the most important keywords and technical concepts, providing straightforward explanations to help you deepen your knowledge and make the most of your industrial IoT solutions. By breaking down these terms, we aim to enhance your experience and ensure you are well-equipped to optimize your systems effectively.

Absolute Pressure | The pressure measured relative to a perfect vacuum. |
Accuracy | The degree to which a sensor's measurement is close to the true or accepted value of the quantity being measured. |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital Converter: A component that converts an analog signal (continuous) into a digital signal (discrete), used in sensors to digitize physical measurements. |
ADR | Adaptive Data Rate: A mechanism in LoRaWAN that dynamically adjusts the data rate and transmission power of end devices to optimize network performance and battery life. |
Antenna Gain | A measure of how much power is transmitted in the direction of the peak radiation, compared to an isotropic antenna. |
API | Application Programming Interface: A set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other, often used for integrating IoT devices with other systems. |
API Gateway | A service that allows developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. AWS API Gateway and Azure API Management allow for seamless integration of IoT devices with cloud applications. |
Application Server | A server in a LoRaWAN network responsible for processing the data sent by end devices and making it available to the end-users or other systems. It also sends commands or configurations back to the devices if needed. |
AWS IoT Core | A managed cloud service that enables connected devices to securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. It supports MQTT, HTTP, and WebSocket protocols for device communication and integrates with other AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3. |
Azure Functions | The Azure equivalent of AWS Lambda, it is a serverless compute service that allows you to execute code in response to events. Azure Functions can be used to automate tasks, process IoT data, and integrate with other Azure services. |
Azure IoT Hub | A managed service on Azure that acts as a central message hub for bi-directional communication between IoT applications and the devices it manages. It supports secure and reliable communication with millions of IoT devices. |
Blob Storage (Azure) | Azure’s object storage solution for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, or large binary data like IoT sensor data. |
Burst Pressure | The maximum pressure a sensor can withstand before it fails. |
Calibration | The process of adjusting a sensor or instrument to ensure its accuracy by comparing its measurements against a known standard. |
Cat-M1 | Category M1; a type of LTE network optimized for IoT applications, offering a balance between data rate, power consumption, and coverage. |
CBOR | Concise Binary Object Representation: A compact, binary data format designed to be efficient in terms of space and processing. It is commonly used in IoT applications to encode data with minimal overhead. |
Class A, B, C Devices | Classes of LoRaWAN devices that define their communication patterns · Class A: Devices that can receive data only after transmitting data (most energy-efficient). · Class B: Devices that have scheduled receive slots in addition to the Class A slots. · Class C: Devices that are always listening for data, except when transmitting (least energy-efficient but low-latency). |
CloudWatch | A monitoring and observability service provided by AWS for cloud resources and the applications that run on AWS. It is used in IoT to monitor device metrics and performance. |
Compensated Range | The temperature range over which the sensor maintains specified accuracy after compensation. |
Cosmos DB | A globally distributed, multi-model database service provided by Azure, which allows for scalable and fast data storage. Cosmos DB is used in IoT for storing and querying large volumes of IoT telemetry data. |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check: An error-detecting code used to check for changes or errors in data during transmission or storage. |
CSS | Chirp Spread Spectrum: The modulation technique used by LoRaWAN to encode data, which spreads the signal over a wide frequency band, making it more resistant to interference and capable of long-range communication. |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converter: A component that converts a digital signal back into an analog signal, often used in control systems. |
Data Logger | A device that records data over time, often used to monitor pressure, temperature, or other variables. |
Dead Volumes | The volume in a system that is unpressurized or unmonitored, which can affect measurements. |
Differential Pressure | The difference in pressure between two points in a system. |
Downlink | Communication from the network or gateway to the IoT device, often used for sending configuration commands or updates. |
Drift | A gradual change in a sensor's measurement output over time, which can affect accuracy. |
Duty Cycle | The percentage of time that a sensor is actively transmitting data versus being in a low-power or idle state. |
DynamoDB | A managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS that offers fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. DynamoDB is often used in IoT applications to store and query near real time sensor data. |
Edge Computing | Processing data near the source of data generation (i.e., at the device level) to reduce latency and bandwidth use, often used in IoT systems. |
EMC | Electromagnetic compatibility; the ability of a device to operate without being affected by or causing electromagnetic interference. |
Encryption | The process of converting data into a coded format to prevent unauthorized access during transmission. |
End Device | The IoT sensor or node that collects data and communicates with the gateway or directly to the network. End devices can be sensors, actuators, or other types of IoT devices. |
ESD | Electrostatic discharge; a sudden flow of electricity between two charged objects, which can damage electronics. |
Event Hub (Azure) | A big data streaming platform and event ingestion service on Azure that can process millions of events per second. It is commonly used in IoT solutions to ingest and process telemetry data from devices. |
Firmware | The low-level software programmed into the device's memory that controls its operations and functions. |
FOTA | FOTA or “Firmware Over-the-Air” is a method for updating the firmware of an IoT device wirelessly, without requiring physical access. |
Frame Counter | A mechanism used in LoRaWAN to prevent replay attacks by ensuring that each transmitted packet is unique. It counts the number of frames sent by the device. |
Full Scale (FS) | The maximum measurable pressure value for a given sensor. |
Gateway | A critical component in a LoRaWAN network that acts as a bridge between LoRaWAN end devices and the network server. It receives data from the devices and forwards it to the server over IP networks. |
Hysteresis | The difference in a sensor's output when pressure is increasing versus when it is decreasing. |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit: A communication protocol used in embedded systems for connecting low-speed peripherals to processors and microcontrollers. |
IAM | Identity and Access Management: A framework of policies and technologies used to ensure that the right individuals have the appropriate access to technology resources. Both AWS and Azure offer IAM services to control access to resources in the cloud, which is crucial for securing IoT deployments. |
Intrinsically Safe | A design standard for equipment to ensure it doesn’t cause ignition in hazardous environments. |
IoT | The Internet of Things; a network of connected devices that collect and exchange data. |
IoT Edge | A feature of Azure IoT that extends cloud intelligence to edge devices by allowing data processing directly on IoT devices, reducing latency and bandwidth use by processing data closer to where it is generated. |
IP Rating | Ingress Protection: A standard that defines the level of protection an enclosure provides against dust and water ingress. |
ISM Band | Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Band: A set of frequency bands reserved internationally for industrial, scientific, and medical purposes, commonly used by LoRaWAN devices (e.g., 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in North America). |
Join Request | The initial message sent by a LoRaWAN device when it attempts to join the network. It is part of the process that establishes a secure connection between the device and the network server. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation: A lightweight data-interchange format often used in APIs and IoT platforms to transmit data. |
Kinesis (AWS) | A platform on AWS for streaming and analyzing near real time data. AWS Kinesis can be used to collect, process, and analyze large streams of data in near real time, making it suitable for IoT applications. |
Lambda Function (AWS) | A serverless compute service provided by AWS that lets you run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda functions are commonly used in IoT for processing data streams, triggering actions based on sensor data, or integrating with other AWS services. |
Latency | The time delay between the moment data is sent and the moment it is received and processed. |
Level Sensor / Level Probe | Devices used to measure the level of liquids or solids in a container. |
Line Pressure | The pressure within a system, often referring to a fluid-carrying line. |
Linearity | The degree to which the sensor’s output remains proportional to the measured pressure. |
Long-Term Stability | The ability of a sensor to maintain accuracy over extended periods of time. |
LoRaWAN | Long Range Wide Area Network: a low-power, wide-area networking protocol designed for IoT devices that allows long-range communication with low power consumption. |
LoS | Line of Sight: Refers to a straight path between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna without any obstacles, which is often necessary for optimal wireless communication. |
LPWAN | Low Power Wide Area Network: A type of wireless telecommunication wide area network designed to allow long-range communications at a low bit rate among connected objects, such as sensors. |
LwM2M | Lightweight Machine-to-Machine: A protocol designed for remote device management and communication in IoT systems. It is optimized for constrained devices with limited processing power and bandwidth, supporting tasks like firmware updates, monitoring, and configuration management. |
MAC Address | Media Access Control Address: A unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment. All Ellenex devices are coming with unique MAC Address (EUID), registered at IEEE. |
MathMod Compensation | Mathematical models used to correct or improve sensor accuracy over varying conditions. |
Measurement Chain | The full sequence of components involved in obtaining a measurement, from sensor to display. |
Modbus | A communication protocol widely used in industrial automation systems to connect electronic devices. It allows devices to communicate over various types of networks, including RS485 and TCP/IP, and supports the exchange of information between sensors, controllers, and computers. |
Modbus Protocol | A communication protocol widely used for industrial automation systems. |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport: A lightweight messaging protocol designed for small sensors and mobile devices, optimized for high-latency or unreliable networks, often used in IoT. |
MQTT Broker | A server that receives all messages from the clients and then routes those messages to the appropriate destination clients. Both AWS IoT Core and Azure IoT Hub can act as MQTT brokers for IoT communication. |
NB-IoT | Narrowband Internet of Things; a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology that uses existing cellular networks for IoT applications, offering deep coverage and extended battery life. |
Network Server | The central part of a LoRaWAN network that manages data traffic, authentication, and security. It processes the data from gateways, handles device communication, and forwards data to application servers. |
OTA Updates | Over-the-Air Update: A method of remotely updating the firmware of a device through wireless communication. |
Payload | The actual data being transmitted by an IoT device over a network, excluding metadata or headers. In a LoRaWAN packet, the payload contains the sensor data or command being sent to or from the device. |
PER | Packet Error Rate: in LoRaWAN devices refers to the percentage of data packets that are lost or received with errors during transmission over a LoRaWAN network. It is an important metric for assessing the reliability and performance of the communication link between the LoRaWAN device (end node) and the gateway. |
Piezoresistive Effect | A change in the electrical resistance of a material when mechanical stress is applied, often used in pressure sensors. |
Precision | The consistency of repeated measurements under unchanged conditions. |
Pressure Gauge | A device used to measure and display pressure in a system. |
PT100 | A type of Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) that uses platinum as its resistive element. The "100" refers to its resistance of 100 ohms at 0°C. PT100 sensors are widely used for precise temperature measurements in industrial applications. |
QoS | Quality of Service: Refers to the performance level of a service, often used in networking to describe the quality of data transmission over a network. |
Range | The span of values over which a sensor can accurately measure a particular parameter. |
Repeatability | The ability of a sensor to consistently produce the same measurement under unchanged conditions. |
Repeatability | The sensor’s ability to produce the same output under identical conditions on multiple trials. |
Resolution | The smallest detectable change in the measurement that a sensor can detect. |
Response Time | The time it takes for a sensor to respond to a change in the measured quantity. |
RS232 | A standard for serial communication used to connect devices such as computers, modems, and other peripherals. RS232 is typically used for point-to-point communication and has shorter communication range and speed compared to RS485. |
RS485 | A standard for serial communication that allows multiple devices (up to 32) to communicate over a single twisted pair of wires, making it ideal for long-distance communication in industrial environments. It is known for its robustness and resistance to electrical noise. |
RSSI | Received Signal Strength Indicator A measure of the power level received by a wireless device, used to assess the quality of the connection. |
RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector: A type of temperature sensor that measures temperature by correlating the resistance of the RTD element with temperature. |
S3 | Amazon Simple Storage Service: An object storage service from AWS that offers scalable, high-speed, web-based cloud storage designed for online backup and archiving of data and applications. In IoT, S3 is often used to store large volumes of sensor data. |
Scalability | The capability of a system to handle increased load, often referring to the ability of an IoT network to expand by adding more devices without compromising performance. |
Sealed Pressure | Pressure measured relative to a sealed environment, rather than ambient air. |
Sensitivity | The ratio of output change to the input change for a sensor. |
Sensor | A device that detects and measures physical properties, such as temperature, pressure, or humidity, and converts them into signals that can be read or processed. |
Serverless | A cloud computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. It allows developers to build and deploy applications without managing the underlying infrastructure, often used in IoT for scalable and cost-effective backend services. |
SF | Spreading Factor: A key parameter in LoRa modulation that controls the data rate and range. Lower spreading factors result in faster data rates but shorter range, while higher spreading factors increase range but reduce data rate. |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio: A measure of the signal strength relative to background noise, indicating the quality of the communication signal. |
Temperature Coefficient (TC) | A measure of how much a sensor’s output changes with temperature. |
Temperature Coefficient Zero (TCzero) | The change in the sensor's zero point with temperature. |
Total Error Band (TEB) | The maximum deviation of the sensor’s output across the entire compensated range. |
Transmitter | There are different meanings for transmitter, but in our documents, it refers to the electronic part of the sensor transmits the data to the cloud through the wireless module. |
Trueness | The closeness of a sensor's measured values to the actual true values. |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol: A communication protocol used in networking for low-latency, time-sensitive transmissions. Unlike TCP, UDP does not establish a connection before sending data, which makes it faster but less reliable. It is commonly used in applications like real time video streaming or gaming. |
Uplink | Communication from the IoT device to the network or gateway, usually for sending measurement data. |
VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio: is a measure of how efficiently radio frequency (RF) power is transmitted from a power source, through a transmission line (such as a coaxial cable), into a load (such as an antenna). It is a crucial parameter in antenna design and performance. |
WAN | Wide Area Network: A telecommunications network that extends over a large geographical area, used in IoT to connect devices over long distances. |
Webhook | A method of delivering real time data from one system to another, often used in IoT to push updates or alerts to a server or application. |
Zero Point | The output value of a sensor when no pressure is applied, often requiring calibration |